RB next traveled to the city of Guang Zhou, and stayed with his favourite uncle. RB had timed his arrival to China well. He had hoped to check out the Canton Fair, a gigantic conference of major exporters of China, open for free to all foreigners. This Fair ran for 3 week-long sessions in Canton.
He spent one day there, and although it was not his first visit, this was the first time he had the goal of finding a viable business plan within the year, possibly even 6 months, and viewed the Fair with a slightly more discerning eye.
The Fair contained endless rows of vendors - potential future business partners - and RB found himself exploring out of curiosity and wonder. But he understood that this Fair did not offer him the answers he sought. It was too large, and its vendors only served accordingly large customers.
He hadn't honed in on a target yet, but he was confident that he could locate who he needed when the right time came. This was not the right time.
He was also scouting all around, keeping an eye out for neat products, such as the squeeze-mop and foldable table.